My OverDrive book won't download to my device. What can I do?

Please note: the OverDrive app was discontinued on May 1, 2023. As Amazon has now accepted the Libby app into the Amazon Appstore for newer Kindle Fire tablets to download, the OverDrive app will be removed from the Amazon Appstore on June 7, 2023. Older Fire owners will still be able to use the OverDrive app for now if it was previously downloaded.

First steps

  1. Double-check that you are connected to Wi-Fi.
  2. Do you have an app on your device? Get instructions for:
  3. Or review how to send eBooks to a Kindle or the Kindle app.

Troubleshooting tips

For older Kindle Fire tablets using the OverDrive app

See if deleting your app cookies helps.

  1. Open the OverDrive app.
  2. Swipe from the left to find the main app menu, and tap "Settings." Then tap "delete app cookies."
  3. Restart your device.
  4. Open the app again.
  5. On the Bookshelf, tap Add a Title OR go back to the main app menu, then find "Fort Vancouver Regional Library" at the very top of the menu and tap on it. This will take you to the FVRL OverDrive home page.
  6. Look for the icon of the three books standing together and tap that. Sign in with your library card number and PIN. This takes you to your "Loans" page.
  7. Find the book you want to download on your Loans shelf, and tap "Download EPUB book" to download it again.

For computers with Adobe Digital Editions

  1. Make sure that you have downloaded Adobe Digital Editions, NOT Adobe Reader.
    • If you installed Reader by mistake, we suggest you uninstall it before downloading Adobe Digital Editions, as the two applications don't always work well together.
  2. Authorize Adobe Digital Editions with your OverDrive account.
  3. Check that your computer is set up to open OverDrive books with Adobe Digital Editions.
  4. Open a browser, sign in to OverDrive and go to your Loans shelf, then try to download the book in EPUB format again.

For Kindle devices

Still having issues? You can Get Help Using FVRL's Online Resources, or try the OverDrive Help site or the Libby Help site.