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  • Please use the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. (PressReader will stop support for Microsoft Internet Explorer on July 31, 2022.)
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  1. Go to the PressReader app page and download the app for your device.
  2. Open the PressReader app and choose the Libraries sign-in option (look for the library card icon).
  3. Tap on Select Library or Group, type “fort van” and tap Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries.
  4. Tap Sign In, enter your library account number and PIN, and tap Connect to Resources.
  5. Don't be concerned if you see a message stating the number of hours and days you have left. Your time will reset each time you provide your library account number.
  6. To activate options including reading offline, automatic issue delivery, creating collections, and saving articles, create a free personal account from the Sign In page using your email address.
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