Legal Information & Forms Resources

(Los recursos para hispanohablantes se enumeran en una página separada.)

FVRL Resources

Legal Information Source

Use tools and instructions to independently address a wide range of legal issues including business law, financial planning, family law, property & real estate, and rights & disputes.

Gale Legal Forms

Find printable legal form templates and examples; legal, business, and other letter templates; definitions for legal terms; a law digest with articles on legal topics; and a national attorney practice directory.

Web Resources

Washington LawHelp

Access legal education materials and tools that give you basic information on a number of legal problems and, in some cases, detailed instructions and forms to help you represent yourself in court.  Look at the Youth Law & Education section for guidance on emancipation of minors. (Also available in Spanish and other languages.)

Ayuda Legal Washington

Acceda a información sobre muchos problemas legales y, en algunos casos, a instrucciones y formularios detallados para ayudarle a representarse a sí mismo en el tribunal. Mire en la sección de Educación y Leyes para Menores de Edad para obtener orientación sobre la emancipación de menores.

Washington State Law Library

Get reliable access to legal information and legal reference assistance with Washington State laws.

Clark County Law Library

Access a publicly available, professional legal collection for judges, prosecutors, other lawyers, and county and state officials. Get assistance from legal librarians and purchase form kits for specific legal situations in Clark County. Read more in their brochure or consult their information on finding a lawyer.

Washington Court Forms

Find forms that are used statewide in Washington Courts. (Some information is available in RussianSpanish, and other languages.) Please note: some counties also have additional forms at the county court websites.

Formularios de los Tribunales de Washington

Encuentre los formularios utilizados a nivel estatal en los tribunales de Washington. (Alguna información está disponible en español). Tenga en cuenta que algunos condados también tienen formularios adicionales en los sitios web de los tribunales de los condados.

Clark County Court Forms

Find legal forms specific to Clark County.

Homeless Youth Handbook - Washington

Learn about the legal issues and options available to youth, from foster care to domestic violence; parenting to immigration; and more.

Landlord-Tenant Resources

Browse this lengthy list of online and local resources compiled by the Washington State Attorney General's office.