Can I get an account?
We offer free library accounts to anyone of any age who:
- Is a district resident (lives or owns property in the FVRL district), or
- Lives in a library district with which FVRL has a reciprocal agreement.
You can pay a fee for a non-resident account if you live in an area geographically next to the FVRL district (but not in a reciprocal system) or are a temporary resident of the FVRL district.
Commonly Asked Questions
Who is considered a Resident?
Residents are individuals who live in Clark, Skamania, or Klickitat County (excluding the City of Camas); those living within Woodland city limits or any contracting district service area; and property owners within the Library District’s service area, even if they reside elsewhere.
Who qualifies for a Reciprocal library card?
Reciprocal cards are available to Oregon residents of Clackamas, Hood River, Multnomah, and Washington counties, as well as Washington residents of Camas and other library districts with reciprocal agreements.
Who is considered a Nonresident?
Nonresidents include individuals living in counties adjacent to the FVRL service area without a tax-supported public library, residents from jurisdictions without reciprocal agreements, and temporary residents. Nonresident library cards require an annual fee set each year.
Additional information can be found on our Library Privileges Policy page.
How do I sign up?
...or visit a library during in-branch hours to get full privileges. You'll need valid photo ID and proof of address.
(Having problems using the online form? See Why can't I use the online account registration form?)
You can also call us at 360-906-5000 for sign-up assistance.
Tell me more about FVRLibraries accounts...
What are limited privileges?
Who has limited privileges?
Your privileges are limited if you:
- Register online, or
- Don't have proof of address when you register, or
- Are 17 or under and don't have a parental signature.
What can I do with a limited account?
- Access our complete digital collection of eBooks, eAudio, Video, Music, Articles and resources
- Have three holds and three checkouts of physical items
- If you're a FVRLibraries district resident: Borrow Experience Passes
What if I want to borrow more physical items?
- Visit a library with valid photo ID and proof of address and upgrade to a full-privileges resident or reciprocal account.
- Minors will need to bring their parent or guardian to the library or bring in a completed authorization form:
What are full privileges for a district resident?
District residents with a full-privileges account can:
- Have up to 50 holds and 50 checkouts of physical items at a time
- Access our complete digital collection (eBooks and more)
- Use Experience Passes
- Request materials via Interlibrary Loan
What are full privileges for a reciprocal account?
Reciprocal patrons with a full-privileges account can:
- Have 50 holds and up to 50 checkouts of physical items at a time
- Access the complete digital collection of eBooks, eAudio, Video, Music, Articles and resources
- Sorry, Experience Passes and Interlibrary Loan are not available.
Tell me more about nonresident accounts....
How much does a nonresident account cost?
- $50 annually per individual
- $12.50 for three months per individual
How do I sign up?
- Purchase an account at any staffed FVRL library. Bring current photo ID and proof of address.
- Cowlitz County residents may apply online, await billing, then pay online.
What can I do with a non-resident account?
Everything you can do with a full-privilege resident account.
Does it expire?
Yes, when your paid period runs out. You may pay online to extend your privilege.
Do you have accounts for teachers?
Yes! Our educator account allows teachers to borrow materials for classroom use or curriculum support. The educator card is an option if the limits on the educator's personal library card aren't sufficient for their classroom needs.
Who can get an educator account?
- Teachers at a daycare or a public or private K-12 school within the FVRL district
- Home school educators within the FVRL district
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for the educator account.
How do I sign up?
Contact us, or apply at any staffed FVRL library. Bring current photo ID and proof that you are an educator.
What kind of proof do you need?
- Proof of employment (such as a staff ID) from a daycare or a K-12 public or private school or
- A Declaration of Intent as a home school provider. (Homeschool parents of children younger than eight don't need a Declaration of Intent—you can just tell us you're homeschooling.)
What can I do with an educator account?
- Borrow up to 100 physical items at a time, with an extended loan period of six weeks
- Place up to 100 physical items on hold at a time
- Access FVRL's subscriptions to eBooks, digital magazines and newspapers, music and videos via FVRL's website. (Experience Passes and interlibrary loan are not included.)
What else should I be aware of?
- If you have a personal library account and an Educator account, you need to keep both in good standing or you could lose borrowing privileges of both.
- The Educator account is intended for education-related items only. Personal use may result in loss of privileges.
For more information, read the Educator Account flyer (PDF) or the Educator Account Application (PDF).
My child has an account through school. I'd like to know more...
We provide access to our digital collection in partnership with many school districts. Learn about ConnectFVRL.
How do I renew my account?
Accounts expire periodically so we can verify your contact information and eligibility. See How do I renew my library account?
Do I need an account to use the library?
Find out what you can do at the library without an account.
What are my responsibilities?
Here's what you're agreeing to when you get a library account:
- I accept responsibility for all items checked out to this account.
- I agree to promptly pay all fees for lost or damaged materials.
- I agree to follow all library rules and policies.
- I will notify the library of any changes to my contact information.
- I will notify the library if my card is lost or stolen.
For parent/guardians:
- I understand that my minor child will need to be present or I will need their library card to access their library account.
For more details on account types and your responsibilities as a borrower, read the FVRL Board of Trustees' Library Privileges Policy.