Learning & Exam Preparation Resources

(Los recursos para hispanohablantes se enumeran en una página separada.)

FVRL Resources

Brainfuse HelpNow

New: Brainfuse HelpNow! at FVRLibraries
Access live tutoring, writing support, study tools, and more for students of all ages. Includes college readiness, flashcards, career exploration, and collaborative study options. Start learning today!

Get live help between 1:00 and 10:00 pm with a variety of subjects for K-12 students and adults. Create a personal account to track your progress, do group work, and share documents for writing reviews.

LinkedIn Learning Library

Learn the skills you need through on-demand instructional video courses in education, technology, business, and creative fields. To get started, log in with your library card number and PIN; you are not required to have an existing LinkedIn profile.

Note: This is separate from a personal LinkedIn Learning account. Please visit their FAQ for library patrons for details about data privacy, continued education units, and more.

Mango Languages

Prepare yourself for realistic conversations in over 70 world languages, including English. There are also specialty units on Latin American Spanish for contexts including business, legal, medical, text talk, and more. Create a free account and learn at your own pace.

Getting started with Mango Languages (YouTube tutorial) | Empezando con Mango Languages (Tutorial de YouTube)

Have questions? Search the Mango Help Center

¿Tiene preguntas? Busque el Centro de Ayuda de Mango

Learning Express Library

Find resources including practice tests and tutorials for school success; college, career, and citizenship preparation.

You'll be able to:

  • Improve your skills in elementary, middle, and high school subjects, or study for your high school equivalency credential.
  • Prepare for the ACT, SAT, and AP tests and more, and search for scholarships.
  • Explore careers and prepare for entrance and occupational exams and military tests. 
  • Take advantage of employee skill training and credential exam prep. 
  • Find a college, review your college skills, or prepare for college placement exams and grad school admission exams.
  • Learn computer and internet basics, and master popular software such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, and Windows operating systems.

Some features require free registration in order to save your work, revisit your tests, or store scores. You'll need a valid email address and PIN to register.

Learning Express Library: Recursos para hispanohablantes

Encuentre recursos para hispanohablantes sobre lectura y escritura en inglés, matemáticas y cómo prepararse para el examen de GED.

Find resources for Spanish speakers about reading and writing in English, math and preparing for the GED test.

Fiero Code

Learn to code. Build websites, apps, video games, animations and more through this self-guided software program full of coding tutorials and real-world projects. Programming languages include HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Scratch, and SQL.

Northstar Online Learning

Funded by the Washington State Library. Create a learner account to test your computer skills and build your understanding through self-paced, online learning. Includes technology tutorials and skills assessments.  

Getting started

To sign up as a Northstar learner and keep track of your progress, use your name and email address to set up a learner account online.

To sample Northstar before creating a learner account, you can take the tests without recording your progress through the Northstar Digital Literacy page. At this time, you can also sample the following Northstar online learning topics without a learner account: Basic Computer Skills, Email, Microsoft Word, and Career Search Skills

Want help getting started? Library staff can help you get a learner account (and an email address if you need one). Fill out this form or call: 360-906-5000, 1-888-546-2707 (area code 509), or 1-800-921-6211 (Yale Valley) during phone service hours.

Wherever you are on your journey with computers, we are here to help! See all the FVRLibraries computers and technology learning options

Tests and certificates

Northstar has tests to help you see how much you already know about:

  • Basic Computer Skills*
  • Internet Basics*
  • Using Email*
  • Windows*
  • macOS
  • Microsoft Word*
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Google Docs
  • Social Media
  • Information Literacy
  • Career Search Skills*
  • Your Digital Footprint
  • Supporting K-12 Distance Learning

*You can learn more about these topics through Northstar's self-paced learning modules.

If you would like to earn a certificate for a test that you've passed in your learner account, you can request to retake the test with an online proctor. Fill out this form and library staff will contact you.


Financiado por la Biblioteca del Estado de Washington. Cree una cuenta de aprendiz para poner a prueba sus habilidades informáticas y obtener más conocimientos a través del aprendizaje en línea a su propio ritmo. Incluye tutoriales de tecnología y evaluaciones de habilidades.

Aprenda como acceder los recursos de Northstar en español.

Microsoft LEARN (formerly Imagine Academy)

Gain technical skills to prepare you for your future and help reach your career goals. Find training, certifications, and documentation on Microsoft products. Learn on your own schedule through guided paths or learn how to accomplish a specific task through individual modules.

New York Times inEducation

Provides curated reading lists across several disciplines of study, including English, biology, environmental science, leadership, and more. Access to inEducation is included when you are logged into The New York Times Digital through the library. You will need to create a complimentary account to activate your access: 

From inside the library or on library Wi-Fi:
  1. Go to nytimes.com.
  2. Click "Log In" and then "Create one" to create an account with your personal email address, or log in if you have already created an account. (Note: if you don't want to receive email marketing communications from The New York Times, uncheck that box when you sign up, or follow the unsubscribe instructions if you start getting marketing emails.)
  3. You may now access inEducation
  4. Log out when you're done.
Offsite/remote access:
  1. Click this remote access link.
  2. Click "Redeem" to get 72 hours of continuous access, including inEducation.
  3. Create an account with your personal email address, or click on "log in here" if you have already created an account.
  4. After 72 hours, you will need to go back to step 1 and click the remote access link again for another 72 hours of remote access.
Using the New York Times Digital App:
  1. Select the correct icon below to download the free The New York Times app, or visit your device's app store.
  2. Open your device's browser to navigate to this page, tap this remote access link, and tap "Redeem" to get 72 hours of continuous access, including inEducation.
  3. Create an account, or log in if you've already created one.
  4. Then, leave the browser and launch the app.
  5. Sign in with your email address. The code already will have been applied, and you have access for 72 hours.
  6. Once your 72 hours is over, you can repeat step 2 to get another 72 hours of access.


Available in library only.
Especially for young children: learn pre-reading and reading skills through games, music, and puzzles. Create your own account, so you can log back in each time you visit the library.

World Book Early Learning

Read, play, watch, and do! Activities for pre-readers and beginning readers.

Educator's Reference Complete (Gale OneFile)

Find academic articles, reports, news, book reports, and more in the field of education. Gain insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy. Best for educators, administrators, and education students.

Web Resources


Take courses from instructors at more than 60 universities--many of which are free or low cost. Topics include economics, genetics, foundations of teaching, chemistry, programming, arts and more. Classes available in multiple languages.

Washington State Food Worker Course

Choose a language, watch the training video, take the test, pay your fee, and print out a food handler's card, so you can work in the food or restaurant industry in Washington. (Available in multiple languages.)

Curso de trabajador de alimentos de Washington

Vea el video de capacitación, haga el examen, pague su cuota e imprima una tarjeta de manipulador de alimentos, para que pueda trabajar en la industria de alimentos o restaurantes en Washington.

Washington Driver Guide

Study for your Washington driver license exam. Select a language to view or print the PDF guide that will help you prepare for the written and driving tests. You can even take a practice exam. Follow links from this page to other helpful information from Washington Department of Licensing.

Elsewhere you can get to:

GCF Aprende Libre

Acceda a tutoriales en línea para obtener información básica de computación, software de oficina, habilidades para buscar trabajo, administración del dinero, medios sociales, seguridad en línea, inglés, matemáticas y más.

Khan Academy

Watch tutorials online and practice a wide variety of life skills and academic subjects, from computer programming to printmaking or 3rd grade math to entrepreneurship.

GCF Global

Access online tutorials for computer basics, office software, job hunting skills, money management, social media, online security and more. Find your specific area of interest under one of these headings: Technology Basics, Living in the Online World, Microsoft Office, Essential Skills, and Work & Career. Follow these links for practice using a mouse or to learn about email. Most tutorials also available in Spanish.


Enroll in MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) offered by recognized universities and institutions from around the globe.  Take a class in genetics or focus on a classic novel for several weeks. The choices are plentiful.