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ConnectFVRL: Resources for K-12 Students

(Los recursos para hispanohablantes se enumeran en una página separada.)
FVRL Resources
Mango Languages
Prepare yourself for realistic conversations in over 70 world languages, including English. There are also specialty units on Latin American Spanish for contexts including business, legal, medical, text talk, and more. Create a free account and learn at your own pace.
Getting started with Mango Languages (YouTube tutorial) | Empezando con Mango Languages (Tutorial de YouTube)
Have questions? Search the Mango Help Center.
¿Tiene preguntas? Busque el Centro de Ayuda de Mango.
Columbian from News (Gale OneFile)
Access and read select articles in The Columbian, published from 2020 to two days ago.
Learning Express Library
Find resources including practice tests and tutorials for school success; college, career, and citizenship preparation.
You'll be able to:
- Improve your skills in elementary, middle, and high school subjects, or study for your high school equivalency credential.
- Prepare for the ACT, SAT, and AP tests and more, and search for scholarships.
- Explore careers and prepare for entrance and occupational exams and military tests.
- Take advantage of employee skill training and credential exam prep.
- Find a college, review your college skills, or prepare for college placement exams and grad school admission exams.
- Learn computer and internet basics, and master popular software such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, and Windows operating systems.
Some features require free registration in order to save your work, revisit your tests, or store scores. You'll need a valid email address and PIN to register.
Fiero Code
Learn to code. Build websites, apps, video games, animations and more through this self-guided software program full of coding tutorials and real-world projects. Programming languages include HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Scratch, and SQL.
Northstar Online Learning
Funded by the Washington State Library. Create a learner account to test your computer skills and build your understanding through self-paced, online learning. Includes technology tutorials and skills assessments.
Getting started
To sign up as a Northstar learner and keep track of your progress, use your name and email address to set up a learner account online.
To sample Northstar before creating a learner account, you can take the tests without recording your progress through the Northstar Digital Literacy page. At this time, you can also sample the following Northstar online learning topics without a learner account: Basic Computer Skills, Email, Microsoft Word, and Career Search Skills.
Want help getting started? Library staff can help you get a learner account (and an email address if you need one). Fill out this form or call: 360-906-5000, 1-888-546-2707 (area code 509), or 1-800-921-6211 (Yale Valley) during phone service hours.
Wherever you are on your journey with computers, we are here to help! See all the FVRLibraries computers and technology learning options.
Tests and certificates
Northstar has tests to help you see how much you already know about:
- Basic Computer Skills*
- Internet Basics*
- Using Email*
- Windows*
- macOS
- Microsoft Word*
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Google Docs
- Social Media
- Information Literacy
- Career Search Skills*
- Your Digital Footprint
- Supporting K-12 Distance Learning
*You can learn more about these topics through Northstar's self-paced learning modules.
If you would like to earn a certificate for a test that you've passed in your learner account, you can request to retake the test with an online proctor. Fill out this form and library staff will contact you.
Financiado por la Biblioteca del Estado de Washington. Cree una cuenta de aprendiz para poner a prueba sus habilidades informáticas y obtener más conocimientos a través del aprendizaje en línea a su propio ritmo. Incluye tutoriales de tecnología y evaluaciones de habilidades.
New York Times inEducation
Provides curated reading lists across several disciplines of study, including English, biology, environmental science, leadership, and more. Access to inEducation is included when you are logged into The New York Times Digital through the library. You will need to create a complimentary account to activate your access:
From inside the library or on library Wi-Fi:
- Go to
- Click "Log In" and then "Create one" to create an account with your personal email address, or log in if you have already created an account. (Note: if you don't want to receive email marketing communications from The New York Times, uncheck that box when you sign up, or follow the unsubscribe instructions if you start getting marketing emails.)
- You may now access inEducation.
- Log out when you're done.
Offsite/remote access:
- Click this remote access link.
- Click "Redeem" to get 72 hours of continuous access, including inEducation.
- Create an account with your personal email address, or click on "log in here" if you have already created an account.
- After 72 hours, you will need to go back to step 1 and click the remote access link again for another 72 hours of remote access.
Using the New York Times Digital App:
- Select the correct icon below to download the free The New York Times app, or visit your device's app store.
- Open your device's browser to navigate to this page, tap this remote access link, and tap "Redeem" to get 72 hours of continuous access, including inEducation.
- Create an account, or log in if you've already created one.
- Then, leave the browser and launch the app.
- Sign in with your email address. The code already will have been applied, and you have access for 72 hours.
- Once your 72 hours is over, you can repeat step 2 to get another 72 hours of access.
World Book Early Learning
Read, play, watch, and do! Activities for pre-readers and beginning readers.
Read online or download more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines from 150 countries (popular titles include The Economist, Fast Company, Bloomberg Business Week México, The Guardian, Newsweek, Der Tagesspiegel, La Razón, and China Daily) and in more than 60 languages.
Go directly to titles in español, русский, and 中文 (繁體) (简体). No limits on downloads. They're yours to keep forever. To find magazine titles not available through PressReader, check Publication Finder, or the library catalog.
Use PressReader in your browser
- Click on Go to PressReader and enter your library account number and PIN, if needed.
- To activate options including reading offline, automatic issue delivery, creating collections, and saving articles, create a free personal account from the Sign In page using your email address.
- Please use the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. (PressReader will stop support for Microsoft Internet Explorer on July 31, 2022.)
Use the PressReader App
- Go to the PressReader app page and download the app for your device.
- Open the PressReader app and choose the Libraries sign-in option (look for the library card icon).
- Tap on Select Library or Group, type “fort van” and tap Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries.
- Tap Sign In, enter your library account number and PIN, and tap Connect to Resources.
- Don't be concerned if you see a message stating the number of hours and days you have left. Your time will reset each time you provide your library account number.
- To activate options including reading offline, automatic issue delivery, creating collections, and saving articles, create a free personal account from the Sign In page using your email address.
Find help
View recent issues of your favorite popular magazines digitally (including Bloomberg Businessweek, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fortune, and Wired)—no need to wait for the print edition. You can download to the app for offline reading or read in your browser. Have a question? Read Flipster—Frequently Asked Questions. To find magazine titles not available through Flipster, check Publication Finder or PressReader. Flipster en español
Important details
- There is no checkout limit.
- Most titles can be downloaded to the Flipster app and kept indefinitely. But some popular titles expire after two days (for weekly publications) or seven days (for monthly or seasonal publications). These titles will display the time remaining, and will gray out once they expire.
- Flipster doesn't sync across devices, but you can manually download the same content to multiple devices.
- If your iOS device is in Dark Mode, you may want to switch to Light Mode to make it easier to browse categories or search.
- For more information, see Flipster's handouts for iOS or Android or the Flipster FAQs.
Get started today!
If you're at a FVRLibraries location or using our Wi-Fi, you can access Flipster without signing in.
If you're using the Flipster app or are outside a FVRLibraries location, sign in with your library card number and PIN.
Make title suggestions
FVRLibraries selects the titles that are available in our Flipster account, and we review and update the list in October of each year for the following calendar year.
If you'd like us to consider a title to add, please fill out our contact form and let us know you're requesting an addition to our Flipster titles.
NoveList K-8 Plus
Discover new titles, series, and authors for kids and teens to enjoy. Find Author Read-alikes, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, and Feature Articles.
Biography (Gale in Context)
Search for people in articles and books, based on personal facts such as name, birth and death year, nationality, ethnicity, occupation, and gender.
CultureGrams Online
Use CultureGrams to find maps and information on the peoples and cultures of over 185 countries, all 50 states in the U.S., and the provinces and territories of Canada. Includes a Kids Edition, too.
U.S. History (Gale in Context)
Find primary documents, reference books, journal articles, and scholarly analysis on periods and events in our history.
World History (Gale in Context)
Find scholarly analysis, articles, references, and primary documents covering the past 5,000 years.
Daily Life through History
Discover the everyday details about past eras that make historical accounts relevant and meaningful.
History Reference Source
View full-text reference books, encyclopedias, non-fiction books, history periodicals, documents, and biographies along with historical photos, maps, and videos.
Issues & Controversies in History
Formerly known as Issues & Controversies in American History, this comprehensive reference database has been expanded to cover every region of the world from antiquity to the present.
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States
Find historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, correspondence, and more from specific time periods in U.S. history marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom. Materials may be used for homework assignments, personal inquiry, research papers, and National History Day-type projects focused on African American history in the U.S.
Librarian Lists
Browse reading lists created by professional librarians far and wide. Lists are compiled by Unbound Librarians and FVRLibraries staff and may contain print, large-type, audio, and electronic versions of books. All titles owned by us link to catalog records so you can easily find them on library shelves or place holds. Some specific subsets of lists include:
EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS)
Find links to full-text articles without having to guess in which eResource to look! This search will look in most subscription eResources that contain journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, and serve up results no matter on which platform the article resides. No more trying one eResource after another in search of the article you need!
A Story for Everyone: Tools for Family Choices
In this guide you can find information about some of the resources available through the library catalog and on the Reading Resources page of the library website to help you with reading choices for your family, including for readers whose age is younger than their reading level.
Participate in reading challenges, track your reading, write book reviews, and more. Create a Beanstack account for yourself and/or children and keep using it even in between official FVRLibraries challenges! Choose any or all of these options:
- Add your reading doorways/preferences.
- Request weekly recommendations based on your doorways.
- Share an account with family, teachers, and friends to grant access to recommendations, reading log, and badges. Keep them up-to-date or give them the opportunity to collaborate.
- Create a wish list by adding titles or finding titles in provided reading lists.
- View pages in other languages (like español, Русский, or 中文) by using the Google Select Language drop-down in the lower right corner of the page.
Open Articles
Use the CloudSourceOA database to find open access research articles.
What is an open access article?
An Open Access article is a research publication that is available under a funding model that provides free full text access to the public, meaning you don't need to log in to view it.
What type of articles will I find in the CloudSourceOA database?
You'll find high quality peer-reviewed research articles covering a broad range of subject areas such as Health Sciences, Environment, Computer Science, Business and many more.
For whom is this material suitable?
- Anyone looking for in-depth knowledge to meet their information needs
- Senior high school students, college students, and other adults with research needs
- Business people needing to monitor industry trends and developments
Who has access?
Full text articles are freely available in the service (and the FVRL catalog - see the "Open Articles" tab in search results). You don't need a library account to access the content.
How do I get to the full text article?
Clicking on the "View Article" button on the results page will open the article in full text format on a new webpage.
Still have questions? You can Get Help Using FVRL's Online Resources.
Publication Finder
Want to know if the library subscribes to the electronic version of a magazine, journal, or newspaper you're seeking? Search for a particular title, or browse by topic to find eResource content by publication title! You'll find links to the content as well as a list of available issues by date. To find magazine and newspaper titles not available through Publication Finder, check Flipster or PressReader.
Access thousands of full-text magazines and newspapers, including peer-reviewed scholarly journals, covering a broad array of subjects and locations.
National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888—Present
Explore topics, find images, and browse articles and issues as far back as 1888. All the National Geographic resources are at your command, without the big stacks of yellow magazines.
New York Times Historical via ProQuest
Search or browse the full text of The New York Times from 1851 to 2011. Research world events, find obituaries, or read editorials and classified ads from years gone by.
National Geographic Kids
Look at National Geographic books and magazines for kids right on your computer--no waiting! Explore topics to find pictures, videos, and more information.
Research Rocket
Explore topics, trends and current events that align with curricular areas such as English, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Technology, Arts, History and more. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Readers' Guide Retrospective
Search this index for citations from the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States from the years 1890 through 1982.
World Book Student
Search for information on any topic. Learn how to do research, write citations, and even create an account to keep track of your research.
WorldCat Discovery
Find items—books, audiobooks, journals, and sometimes even articles—within and beyond FVRL's collection. Although you can access this without a library card, you must use your library card if you wish to start here in requesting an interlibrary loan.
Dig deeper into full-text, academic journal articles and primary sources in a variety of disciplines. Featured collections include:
- Independent Voices (alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals)
- Global Plants (high-resolution type specimens and related materials)
- Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa (objects, documents, and images chronicling the liberation of Southern Africa)
- World Heritage Sites: Africa (visual, contextual, and spatial objects)
World Book Online for Kids
Find articles, games, science projects, interactive tools, and activities covering a variety of subjects for elementary and middle-school students.
Britannica Library Children
Find articles, pictures, and videos about animals, arts, language, places, plants, science & math, social studies, sports, and religions. Even tour the USA or compare countries!
Science (Gale in Context)
Find authoritative science information: full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files, and links to vetted websites.
Science Online
Look for experiments, images, videos, and articles on recent events and discoveries in a range of science areas.
PowerKnowledge: Earth & Space Science
Watch a volcano erupt! Play games, find project ideas, and have fun learning about ecosystems, space, energy and matter, maps, climates and more in Power Knowledge.
PowerKnowledge: Life Science
Worried about polar bears? Study them and other animals, adaptation, habitats, the human body, food chains, green living, extinct species, and more in Power Knowledge.
PowerKnowledge: Physical Science
What goes up must come down. You’ll find more about gravity, atoms, motion, temperature and more, with videos and games to explain it all in Power Knowledge.
Environmental Studies (Gale in Context)
Read about emerging green technologies and issues on the environment and sustainability.
Health and Wellness (Gale)
Use this eResource to find magazines, journals, newspapers, definitions, directories, and information on all health related topics. The materials contained in this resource are intended for informational purposes only.
Gale eBooks
Search full-text reference eBooks on a variety of topics, including art, the Gale eBooks business collection, biographies, health, history, sports and more. No limits, holds, or waiting!
Britannica ImageQuest
Britannica ImageQuest has more than two million images that may be used in assignments, activities, projects, and other non-commercial educational uses. Also offers video clips that can be downloaded and used to create video projects.
World Book eBooks
Access highly illustrated eBooks for kids in many curriculum areas. Always available to read in your browser—no holds or waiting! Subjects include biography, crafts, cultures, dinosaurs, environment, health, history, mythology, nature, space, and technology.
Elementary (Gale in Context)
Learn about animals, plants, music, science, sports, and more in this accessible resource for young students. Also includes access to Nat Geo Kids!
Middle School (Gale in Context)
Find resources on a wide range of subjects in this one-stop research source (including citation information) aimed at upper elementary and middle school students.
High School (Gale in Context)
Find magazine articles, news, multimedia presentations and more on a wide variety of subjects (literature, science, history, and social issues) relevant to high school learning goals.
Britannica Library Young Adults
Find articles, images, videos, and biographies for high school students in a variety of subjects. Start with Research Tools and Materials if you're working on a paper or report.
Small Engine Repair Source
Access step-by-step maintenance and repair instructions for hundreds of small engine machines and their supporting components.
Find articles and information on a wide range of topics, ranging from current events to history, arts and literature to science and math. Find supporting documents for school assignments, including curriculum guides. Note: You search MasterFILE and History Reference Center all at once.
Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context)
Research viewpoint essays, topic overviews, images, podcasts, articles, graphs, tables, and charts on a variety of current topics.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center
Do a career interest assessment, research industries and careers, plan your education, get expert advice, and launch your career. Learn about 140 different industries and career fields and thousands of professions to find the one right for you.
Gale Literature
Find everything you need to research the world of literature: biographies, bibliographies, critical analyses, essays, poems, primary sources, and more for authors both historical and current. Resources include: Gale Literature: Something About the Author, Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography, Gale Literature Resource Center, and Gale Literature: LitFinder.
Hobbies & Crafts Source
Search magazines, books, videos and reports for projects and information. Find detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas. Subject areas include arts & crafts, collecting, games & electronics, model building, home & leisure, needlework, outdoors & nature, and scrapbooking & paper crafts.
MasterFile Premier
Find full-text articles and abstracts from general reference, business, consumer health, and general science magazines and journals.
World Book Discover
Find multimedia on a variety of subjects, science fair projects, biographies, correlations to curriculum standards, 21st century research guides, and much more for high school students.
- Learn how to do research.
- Check out the Life Skills Center to learn how to enter the work force, keep a bank account, or set up your first place.
General OneFile (Gale)
Select from several news, magazine, or journal articles with images--many in full-text.
Global Issues (Gale in Context)
Analyze important global issues and events through topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content.
Fine Arts (Gale OneFile)
Search for articles art history, music, drama, filmmaking, and related fields.
Gender Studies (Gale OneFile)
Find articles on gender studies, family/marital issues, health, and more.
Vocations and Careers (Gale OneFile)
Peruse articles on job searching, building a career, and more.
Life Skills from World Book Discover
Learn the basics of living on your own, including work, major purchases, housing, budgeting, and more.