

Our collection manager celebrates Earth Day with a selection of titles about our big, blue planet.
Read this month's Vroom tip to help your early learner's growing brain!
Our Book Beat columnist offers some reading suggestions about our home plant in honor of Earth Day.
Beginning April 15, 2024, Android 7.1.1 will be the earliest supported Android OS for all OverDrive apps and websites, including Libby and Kanopy.

Don't miss

If you missed our author visit and panel discussion of Free: Two Years, Six Lives, and the Long Journey Home, you can watch the recording on CVTV.

Learn about topics from drip irrigation to herbs to attracting hummingbirds and more in our Master Gardener series.

Enjoy a night out on April 27 for a great cause! Dinner, dessert, drinks, and a silent auction to benefit the new Woodland Community Library.

The Children's Justice Center has shared their list of recommended books for children. We recommend that caregivers preview books before reading them to children, and be prepared for questions they may have.