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General Knowledge Resources
(Los recursos para hispanohablantes se enumeran en una página separada.)
FVRL Resources
EBSCO Discovery Services (EDS)
Find links to full-text articles without having to guess in which eResource to look! This search will look in most subscription eResources that contain journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, and serve up results no matter on which platform the article resides. No more trying one eResource after another in search of the article you need!
Open Articles
Use the CloudSourceOA database to find open access research articles.
What is an open access article?
An Open Access article is a research publication that is available under a funding model that provides free full text access to the public, meaning you don't need to log in to view it.
What type of articles will I find in the CloudSourceOA database?
You'll find high quality peer-reviewed research articles covering a broad range of subject areas such as Health Sciences, Environment, Computer Science, Business and many more.
For whom is this material suitable?
- Anyone looking for in-depth knowledge to meet their information needs
- Senior high school students, college students, and other adults with research needs
- Business people needing to monitor industry trends and developments
Who has access?
Full text articles are freely available in the service (and the FVRL catalog - see the "Open Articles" tab in search results). You don't need a library account to access the content.
How do I get to the full text article?
Clicking on the "View Article" button on the results page will open the article in full text format on a new webpage.
Still have questions? You can Get Help Using FVRL's Online Resources.
Access thousands of full-text magazines and newspapers, including peer-reviewed scholarly journals, covering a broad array of subjects and locations.
Academic Search Premier
Search thousands of academic, peer reviewed, and trade journals or magazines to find articles you can use to stay informed or get ahead.
Academic OneFile (Gale)
Access peer reviewed, scholarly articles across all academic disciplines to support your research or homework. Most useful to advanced high school students, college students, and professionals.
World Book Student
Search for information on any topic. Learn how to do research, write citations, and even create an account to keep track of your research.
Dig deeper into full-text, academic journal articles and primary sources in a variety of disciplines. Featured collections include:
- Independent Voices (alternative press newspapers, magazines, and journals)
- Global Plants (high-resolution type specimens and related materials)
- Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa (objects, documents, and images chronicling the liberation of Southern Africa)
- World Heritage Sites: Africa (visual, contextual, and spatial objects)
World Book Online for Kids
Find articles, games, science projects, interactive tools, and activities covering a variety of subjects for elementary and middle-school students.
Britannica Library Children
Find articles, pictures, and videos about animals, arts, language, places, plants, science & math, social studies, sports, and religions. Even tour the USA or compare countries!
Elementary (Gale in Context)
Learn about animals, plants, music, science, sports, and more in this accessible resource for young students. Also includes access to Nat Geo Kids!
Middle School (Gale in Context)
Find resources on a wide range of subjects in this one-stop research source (including citation information) aimed at upper elementary and middle school students.
High School (Gale in Context)
Find magazine articles, news, multimedia presentations and more on a wide variety of subjects (literature, science, history, and social issues) relevant to high school learning goals.
Britannica Library Young Adults
Find articles, images, videos, and biographies for high school students in a variety of subjects. Start with Research Tools and Materials if you're working on a paper or report.
Britannica Library Reference Center
Search or browse articles, media, biographies, and a world atlas for information on both academic subjects and personal interests. Start with Research Tools and Materials if you're doing academic research.
Find articles and information on a wide range of topics, ranging from current events to history, arts and literature to science and math. Find supporting documents for school assignments, including curriculum guides. Note: You search MasterFILE and History Reference Center all at once.
MasterFile Premier
Find full-text articles and abstracts from general reference, business, consumer health, and general science magazines and journals.
World Book Discover
Find multimedia on a variety of subjects, science fair projects, biographies, correlations to curriculum standards, 21st century research guides, and much more for high school students.
- Learn how to do research.
- Check out the Life Skills Center to learn how to enter the work force, keep a bank account, or set up your first place.
Informe Académico (Gale OneFile)
Busque en revistas y revistas académicas en español y portugués de texto completo de y sobre América Latina.
World Book Banco de Contenidos AulaPlaneta
El banco de contenidos AulaPlaneta es una enciclopedia para los estudiantes de secundaria y los adultos que contiene información actualizada, fiable, y rigurosa. Incluye diccionarios, atlas, museo virtual, cronogramas, y más. Descubra qué es y qué te ofrece.
Banco de Contenidos AulaPlaneta is an encyclopedia for adults and high school students with information that is up-to-date, reliable, and rigorously vetted. Includes dictionaries, atlases, a virtual museum, timelines, and more.
World Book Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
Una enciclopedia para niños. Encuentre artículos sobre temas populares y escolares, definiciones del diccionario, imágenes, y mapas.
An encyclopedia in Spanish for students. Find articles on popular and school topics, definitions from the dictionary, images, and maps.