Check it Out: National Embroidery Month

Submitted by J. Johnston on

Now that January is officially sewn up, it’s time for a new project—February. I’m not trying to be crafty (i.e., tricky), but I am threading my way to this week’s theme: embroidery. This is knot just a random subject, dear crafters, but a serious reading promotion. February is National Embroidery Month, thank you very much. So, grab your sewing supplies, and let’s get started.

To embroider or not to embroider, well, that is the question—and a personal choice. Creating art with needle and thread isn’t for everyone, but if you enjoy keeping yourself in stitches—back, running, chain, and satin, to name a few—this column should make you darn happy.

Today’s reading suggestions are just a small sample of what is available in the craft section of the library’s collection. Repeating a popular phrase, a stitch in time saves nine. Perhaps. But nine stitches may feel like a lifetime of needlework for anyone not inclined to embrace embroidery. Don’t worry, February has a lot to offer beyond stitchery. Groundhogs, valentines, and more, oh my.

New at the Library




This is just a small sampling of the many new titles added each week to the Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries collection. Find more in our catalog, or call 360-906-5000 to reserve titles or find additional listings. 

Jan Johnston, Collection Manager  
Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries  
You can email Jan at