ConnectFVRL - Resources for Parents & Educators

Connect FVRL, library access for students

Information about the program

ConnectFVRL is a partnership between Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries and many local school districts. Through ConnectFVRL, students are automatically registered for a special FVRL account (Connect Card) that allows them to access FVRL electronic research tools, eBooks and eAudiobooks.

For parents or guardians

Your child's Connect Card connects them to a wealth of online resources to support their schoolwork.

What is the difference between the Connect Card and a regular library account?

Connect Cards are separate from other library accounts, and provide digital-only access to library resources, eBooks, and eAudiobooks to students. They can not be used for checking out physical materials from the library. They don't replace any other public library account your student/child may have.

Is there any financial risk to my child/student having a Connect Card?

No. Because the Connect Card provides access to digital resources only, there are no fines or fees associated with the account.

What resources will my child/student be able to access for free with their Connect Card?

Connect Card offers access to all online resources and eMedia except Tumblebooks and Hoopla. This includes free access to eBooks, eAudiobooks, articles, eMagazines, music, dozens of databases and more. There are materials in different reading levels and languages, and all are accessible from school and home. For a full list of resources, including descriptions, please visit the ConnectFVRL homepage.

Is the library monitoring what my student/child is checking out or accessing?

No, the library doesn't monitor materials or resources accessed through the Connect Card. We encourage you to talk to your student/child about how they are using their account.

Can I opt out or opt back in to the Connect Card for my child?

To opt out or to opt back in to the ConnectFVRL program, please contact your child’s school directly.

How can I get a library account for myself?

Learn how on our Library Accounts page.

For educators

ConnectFVRL makes it easier than ever for teachers to incorporate digital resources from the public library into their curriculum. 

What do I need to know to get started with ConnectFVRL?

Please review our Connect Card Tutorial for a short 15-min overview of the program, helpful classroom handouts, and additional resources.

Will teachers get a ConnectFVRL account?

Connect Cards are only for students. But if you need a library account, you're welcome to use our online library card sign-up. This will provide access to the same digital resources your students are accessing.

We also offer a special account for educators, with higher checkout limits and longer checkout periods. Learn more on our Library Accounts page.

I want to check out one title for my entire class to read together. Is this possible?

Just like with physical books, the library has a set number of eBooks and eAudiobooks that can be checked out at one time through Overdrive (eBooks and eAudiobooks). Usually, we do not have enough copies of one title to lend out to an entire class through these resources. To learn more about our eBook services, please review this handout: eBook and eAudiobook Basics.

What kind of assistance does FVRL provide to teachers and their students about Connect Card?

FVRLibraries staff are happy to help you and your students. Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Guidance on research projects
  • Getting started with Connect Card
  • Book talks
  • Library tours
  • One-on-one online resource assistance for teachers/educators

If you want to talk with staff about arranging a classroom visit, getting one-on-one assistance with resources, or discussing other possible opportunities, please contact us.

Can I request more information or schedule a classroom visit?

Sure! Just fill out our question/comment form.

Resources offering Curriculum Support

Explore the subset of FVRL's resources that offer curriculum and lesson-planning support. In most instances, look for the term "Educator Resources" in a corner or behind a menu icon.

NoveList Plus

Your next great read is just clicks away! Search author, title, series, narrator, or keyword. Start with something you enjoy reading to find read-alikes. Explore titles that match your mood. Access book club resources and genre guides.

New York Times inEducation

Provides curated reading lists across several disciplines of study, including English, biology, environmental science, leadership, and more. Access to inEducation is included when you are logged into The New York Times Digital through the library. You will need to create a complimentary account to activate your access: 

From inside the library or on library Wi-Fi:
  1. Go to
  2. Click "Log In" and then "Create one" to create an account with your personal email address, or log in if you have already created an account. (Note: if you don't want to receive email marketing communications from The New York Times, uncheck that box when you sign up, or follow the unsubscribe instructions if you start getting marketing emails.)
  3. You may now access inEducation
  4. Log out when you're done.
Offsite/remote access:
  1. Click this remote access link.
  2. Click "Redeem" to get 72 hours of continuous access, including inEducation.
  3. Create an account with your personal email address, or click on "log in here" if you have already created an account.
  4. After 72 hours, you will need to go back to step 1 and click the remote access link again for another 72 hours of remote access.
Using the New York Times Digital App:
  1. Select the correct icon below to download the free The New York Times app, or visit your device's app store.
  2. Open your device's browser to navigate to this page, tap this remote access link, and tap "Redeem" to get 72 hours of continuous access, including inEducation.
  3. Create an account, or log in if you've already created one.
  4. Then, leave the browser and launch the app.
  5. Sign in with your email address. The code already will have been applied, and you have access for 72 hours.
  6. Once your 72 hours is over, you can repeat step 2 to get another 72 hours of access.

World Book Early Learning

Read, play, watch, and do! Activities for pre-readers and beginning readers.

NoveList K-8 Plus

Discover new titles, series, and authors for kids and teens to enjoy. Find Author Read-alikes, Book Discussion Guides, BookTalks, and Feature Articles.

Biography (Gale in Context)

Search for people in articles and books, based on personal facts such as name, birth and death year, nationality, ethnicity, occupation, and gender.

CultureGrams Online

Use CultureGrams to find maps and information on the peoples and cultures of over 185 countries, all 50 states in the U.S., and the provinces and territories of Canada. Includes a Kids Edition, too.

U.S. History (Gale in Context)

Find primary documents, reference books, journal articles, and scholarly analysis on periods and events in our history.

World History (Gale in Context)

Find scholarly analysis, articles, references, and primary documents covering the past 5,000 years.

Issues & Controversies in History

Formerly known as Issues & Controversies in American History, this comprehensive reference database has been expanded to cover every region of the world from antiquity to the present.  

Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

Find historical newspaper articles, pamphlets, diaries, correspondence, and more from specific time periods in U.S. history marked by the opposition African Americans have faced on the road to freedom. Materials may be used for homework assignments, personal inquiry, research papers, and National History Day-type projects focused on African American history in the U.S.


Access thousands of full-text magazines and newspapers, including peer-reviewed scholarly journals, covering a broad array of subjects and locations.

Research Rocket

Explore topics, trends and current events that align with curricular areas such as English, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Technology, Arts, History and more. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.


Peruse animated, talking picture books, early chapter books, puzzles, and resources for kids and families in TumbleBooks. Includes a limited number of books in French, Spanish, and other languages.


Stream eBooks, graphic novels, videos, and audiobooks of high interest to tweens and teens, as well as classics and some teacher-assigned titles. You'll need an internet connection only—no downloading!

How does TeenBookCloud help teachers?

In many ways! Take a look at these TeenBookCloud features:

  • Most titles have reading level information on the title record page, including Accelerated Reader (A/R) and Lexile levels as well as publisher-suggested interest level grade ranges.
  • Some titles have accompanying lesson plans and quizzes linked on the title record page.
  • TumbleTracker lets teachers track their students' reading progress, assign books to read and quizzes to take, and tailor assignments based on student activity. (Find out more about TumbleTracker under "About" in the main menu.) You may request a TumbleTracker account by sending your teacher email address to

World Book Online for Kids

Find articles, games, science projects, interactive tools, and activities covering a variety of subjects for elementary and middle-school students.

Science (Gale in Context)

Find authoritative science information: full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files, and links to vetted websites.

Science Online

Look for experiments, images, videos, and articles on recent events and discoveries in a range of science areas.

PowerKnowledge: Earth & Space Science

Watch a volcano erupt! Play games, find project ideas, and have fun learning about ecosystems, space, energy and matter, maps, climates and more in Power Knowledge.

PowerKnowledge: Life Science

Worried about polar bears? Study them and other animals, adaptation, habitats, the human body, food chains, green living, extinct species, and more in Power Knowledge.

PowerKnowledge: Physical Science

What goes up must come down. You’ll find more about gravity, atoms, motion, temperature and more, with videos and games to explain it all in Power Knowledge.

Britannica ImageQuest

Britannica ImageQuest has more than two million images that may be used in assignments, activities, projects, and other non-commercial educational uses. Also offers video clips that can be downloaded and used to create video projects.


Middle School (Gale in Context)

Find resources on a wide range of subjects in this one-stop research source (including citation information) aimed at upper elementary and middle school students.


Find articles and information on a wide range of topics, ranging from current events to history, arts and literature to science and math.  Find supporting documents for school assignments, including curriculum guides. Note: You search MasterFILE and History Reference Center all at once.

Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context)

Research viewpoint essays, topic overviews, images, podcasts, articles, graphs, tables, and charts on a variety of current topics.