FAQs Getting started How do I borrow eBooks or eAudiobooks from the FVRL catalog? How do I download my eBook or eAudiobook? How do I send eBooks to my eReader (not a tablet)? How do I send library eBooks to my Kindle or Kindle app? Audiobook help How do I renew eBooks and eAudiobooks? How do I return eBooks or eAudiobooks? What if the Libby app won't play my whole audiobook? The audiobook I want to download is .odm. How do I make it MP3? My OverDrive audiobook has supplementary content. How do I download and read it? What is happening with the OverDrive app? My car doesn't have Bluetooth capabilities. How can I listen to eAudiobooks while driving? How do I use the Libby app for OverDrive? OverDrive help I just got a new library account number and/or PIN. Does that affect my eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMedia? Why am I getting an "Error! Unrecognized checkout type: (undefined)" error message when I try to check out an eBook? Why did my eBook/eAudiobook expire today when it said I had "one day left"? I accidentally picked the wrong eBook format—what do I do? My OverDrive book won't download to my device. What can I do? How do I update my email address in OverDrive or the Libby app? OverDrive says there is something wrong with my library card. What do I do? Libby and OverDrive app help How do I clear the cache in the OverDrive app? What if the Libby app won't play my whole audiobook? What are the accessibility options for OverDrive and Libby? What is happening with the OverDrive app? How do I update my account number in Libby? How do I use the Libby app for OverDrive? Libby app help I just got a new library account number and/or PIN. Does that affect my eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMedia? How do I return eBooks or eAudiobooks? How do I renew eBooks and eAudiobooks? How do I use the Libby app for OverDrive? What are the accessibility options for OverDrive and Libby? I accidentally picked the wrong eBook format—what do I do? How do I download my eBook or eAudiobook? Why do I have two library cards in Libby? How do I update my email address in OverDrive or the Libby app? My OverDrive audiobook has supplementary content. How do I download and read it? My OverDrive book won't download to my device. What can I do? What is happening with the OverDrive app? How do I update my account number in Libby? What if the Libby app won't play my whole audiobook? Why did my eBook/eAudiobook expire today when it said I had "one day left"? Other technology Can I send a fax at the library? How do I get started with Zoom?