Check it Out: Happy Earth Day!

Submitted by J. Johnston on

April 22nd is Earth Day, but I have a question: shouldn’t every day be Earth Day? Our beautiful blue marble is special and unique, and as tenants of this one-of-a-kind planet, we should be tender caretakers. If we don’t do our job, the landlord might force us to relocate to another space in the universe. That’s a move I really do not want to make.

Earth Day started in April 1970 as a way to show support for environmental protection. According to the website,, the theme for 2024 is “Planet vs. Plastics,” and the Earth Day Organization is looking for a 60% reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040.

Searching the term “earth sciences” in the library’s catalog provides an intriguing list of titles. It makes sense that there are a lot of books about the earth because, hello, the earth is really BIG, and there’s a lot to write about. So, go do some good things for our planet – plant trees, reuse and recycle, conserve energy – and add some good earth-friendly reads to your TBR pile.

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