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Having problems or getting a security warning?

Starting September 30, 2021, you'll probably have problems if you're trying to use OverDrive or Libby on an older browser or operating system. You may see a security warning or a "your connection is not private" message, or you may just have problems signing in, borrowing, loading the app's content, etc.

Why? The web certificate provider that OverDrive uses will no longer support certain older operating systems, including iOS 9 or older and macOS below 10.12.1. We have also heard from our patrons that some older Kindle Fire or Android devices are also affected. 

What to do about it? Update your browser or operating system, if possible. Here's how to update your iOS device, or read more about the issue from Libby Help or OverDrive Help. Unfortunately, some older devices may not be able to update to current software, and it might be time to consider buying a new (or at least newer) device.

What happens if you ignore the message? Your data could be compromised, since OverDrive can’t verify that you're connecting with a legitimate server.

Still have questions?

These resources may help: