How do I send eBooks to my eReader (not a tablet)? Download and transfer books to your Kindle, Nook, or Kobo eReader.
How do I download my eBook or eAudiobook? Learn the several ways to download an OverDrive eBook or eAudiobook.
How many physical items can I check out, and for how long? Find out the limits on holds, checkouts, and renewals of physical items.
How do I send library eBooks to my Kindle or Kindle app? Check out eBooks from OverDrive and read them in Kindle format.
Can you tell me my checkout history? Find out what records the library maintains of your prior checkouts and how we can help you identify something you checked out in the past.
What is a "hold," and how do they work? Get answers to all your questions about putting items on hold.
How do I borrow eBooks or eAudiobooks from the FVRL catalog? Use our catalog to locate, select format, and borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks.