The Fort Vancouver Regional Library District is a politically neutral institution. The Library does not endorse or oppose politicians, political viewpoints, or other issues. The Mission of the Library is to provide information in a neutral manner "presenting all points of view on current and historical issues."
In accordance with the mission of the Library to provide information in a neutral manner, staff may not wear political paraphernalia or display political slogans or endorsements while on the job.
Wearing political paraphernalia (e.g. buttons, jewelry, T-shirts) erodes the appearance of neutrality on the part of the Library and jeopardizes the credibility of information provided by employees.
The Library strongly supports the First Amendment rights of employees to speak out, on their own time. In so doing, it is the responsibility of the Library staff to maintain a clear distinction in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and opinions and those of the Library.
Board Approved:
Original Policy July 13, 1992
Policy name revised for easier indexing, 2/10/03 (formerly titled Wearing of Political Paraphernalia and the Display of Political Slogans or Endorsement)
Revised June 14, 2004