How do I renew my library account?

Library accounts need to be renewed periodically. Here's how.

Are you getting messages like "your privilege has expired," "patron not found," or "patron could not be authenticated"? This probably means that your account needs to be renewed. Here's how:

  • Log in to your account in the catalog.
  • If your card is within four weeks of expiring, or has expired, you will see a renewal date and a link to renew.
  • If you have edits to make to your address, please click the link to request an address update before you click the Renew button.
  • Alternately, visit an FVRL library during in-branch hours so we can update your account. Please bring photo ID.
  • If you have a Non-Resident or Educator card, the "Renew" button in My Account will not work, so you'll need to come in person to renew.

How do I find out when my account will expire?

  • Log in to your account in the catalog.
  • Go to the "Personal Information" tab. 
  • Click the dropdown arrow next to your name.
  • Your "Account Renewal Date" is the last item listed under "Contact Information."

Educator accounts must be renewed every year.

  • Please visit a library with your account number and PIN or photo ID to update your information.
  • We'll need proof that you are still an educator (or let us know that you're still homeschooling).

Nonresident accounts expire every three months or yearly, depending on your payment.

To renew your account, please visit a library with your account number and PIN or photo ID. You can pick from these options:

  • Three months, per person - $12.50
  • One year, per person - $50

See our Pay a Bill page for payment methods.

Other account issues that will block you

You owe the library $25 or more for damaged or lost items.

You have an overdue or missing interlibrary loan item.

  • If your interlibrary loan item is overdue, your interlibrary loan privilege is suspended. To restore your privilege, you’ll need to return the item.
  • If an interlibrary loan item is billed for being lost or damaged, all borrowing privileges at FVRL will be suspended until the item has been paid for.
  • Here's a complete list of interlibrary loan privileges and policies.

You have reached your checkout or hold limit.

Your account may have been deleted because it hadn't been used in years.

You’re using an old card that was re-entered into our system.

  • If you got a library account by reinstating an old card (maybe you had an account in the past, but you didn’t use it for a few years and your record was deleted, but then you found the card and wanted to use the same number when you got a new account), sometimes you might get an error message when you try to log in to the catalog. Please contact library staff, who will contact our Collection and Technology Services Division to fix the problem.

For more information about library privileges, read our Library Privileges Policy.

Still having issues? Please contact us.