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Government Resources
(Los recursos para hispanohablantes se enumeran en una página separada.)
Web Resources
Access Washington
Locate Washington state government information and services with links to all state agencies with communities information. (Site is available in Spanish, Russian, and more. Use the menu in the upper right to translate.)
U.S. Government Information
Access official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government, including the United States Constitution, U.S. Code, Federal Register, Congressional Record, Congressional Bills, United States Courts Opinions, and more.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Read federal tax information, access your individual account information, file online, check your refund status, pay your tax bill, and more. Of particular note: Earned Income Tax Credit, IRS Tax Withholding Estimator, Employer and Information forms, Forms, Instructions & Publications, and local office hours and locations. Information is available in multiple languages. You can also call the IRS toll free at 800-829-3676. (Site is available in multiple languages. Choose from the menu in the upper right corner.)
Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS)
Lea la información sobre los impuestos federales, acceda la información de su cuenta personal, presente su declaración en línea, compruebe el estado de su reembolso, pague su factura de impuestos y más. De particular importancia: Crédito de impuesto sobre la renta, Estimador de retención de impuestos del IRS; Formularios, instrucciones y publicaciones, y horarios y ubicaciones de las oficinas locales. Para recibir asistencia en español, llame al 800-829-1040.
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Explore age-appropriate information about the U.S. Government. Learn basic information about the way the government works, how it began, and how citizens can participate.
Librarian Tips
Tip: look at general knowledge resources
Looking for something a little broader in scope with less detailed information? Try a general knowledge resource.
Tip: find local government information
To find your state or local government offices, codes, elections and more, use's link to Government Agencies and Elected Officials to drill down to the state, county, or city website.
Tip: find federal government information
To access websites and information from federal government offices or branches, search by name, e.g. copyright office, White House, congress, supreme court, department of agriculture, etc.