The audiobook I want to download is .odm. How do I make it MP3? Find out how to listen to OverDrive audiobooks or transfer them to an iPod or MP3 player.
What are the accessibility options for OverDrive and Libby? Change fonts or color; discover screen reader compatibility.
How do I send library eBooks to my Kindle or Kindle app? Check out eBooks from OverDrive and read them in Kindle format.
How do I return eBooks or eAudiobooks? Learn how to return eBooks and eAudiobooks before the due date (when they return automatically).
What if the Libby app won't play my whole audiobook? Find solutions to your listening problems by deleting the file and re-downloading it.
How do I clear the cache in the OverDrive app? Clearing the cache may help with login or downloading issues.
How do I renew eBooks and eAudiobooks? Learn how to renew your digital eBook and eAudiobook checkouts.
How do I borrow eBooks or eAudiobooks from the FVRL catalog? Use our catalog to locate, select format, and borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks.
My OverDrive book won't download to my device. What can I do? Get step-by-step instructions to download eBooks from OverDrive.
How do I update my contact information? How to update or add your email address, phone number, text message number, address, or name in your library account.